Vicki Z

Addicted to ATCs
Feedback: 5209 / 0 / 0
Swap Due Date: Due May 31, 2024
Signup/Withdraw Date: Due May 31, 2024
Number of ATCs: 3 for 3 or 6 for 6
Number of Participants: Unlimited
Medium: Any and all media and techniques are welcome

WELCOME SPRING – It's May! It's May!

In the northern hemisphere, after a frigid early winter; followed by a long, damp, after winter, dancing around a Maypole seems like a wonderful way to welcome Spring.
There are March thaws, honeybee cleansing flights, and Snow Showers (snow mixed with rain and ice).....Beautiful to look at (if one is inside) but miserable to drive in and clean up after, whether your location receives rain, or ice, or snow, or all of the above.

May is associated with fun and fertility, leaving May Day Flower Baskets on friend's and neighbor's doorsteps, ribbons, and May Pole Dances. Some festivities include weaving flower crowns and choosing a May Lord and a May Lady.

Your cards can show trees or plants in the snow, buildings in the snow people in the snow.
You can depict April Showers, which includes anything falling from the sky........rain, sleet, snow, hail, "raining" cats and dogs, falling frogs....
You can show the early Spring Flowers, often peeking through the snow in some southern states.
Hyacinths and Daffodils are usually the first to peek out their colorfulheads.....perhaps tulips.
Spring is associated with flowers and fun, the May Day Tree (usuallly decorated with colored eggs and fruit and sometimes sold in stores as an Easter Tree). Other associations include birds, bird's nests, bird eggs, coloring eggs, and other symbols of renewing life and fertility.

In the Celtic religion, May Day is a festival held around the first of May, (sometimes from April 28 to May 2nd, depending on weather), celebrating the beginning of the pastoral summer season and open pasturing.

In earlier times May is when herds of livestock were driven out to the summer pastures and mountain grazing lands. May Day (as the beginning of Spring) was one of two turning points in the year, the other being November 1, the start of winter. At both turning points, the bounds between the human and supernatural worlds were erased. On May Eve, witches and fairies roamed freely, and measures had to be taken against their enchantments. Witches and/or May Fairies may also grace your ATCs.

In ancient Ireland, bonfires played a role in May Day festivities, as they still do today.
As late as the 19th century in Ireland, cattle were driven between two bonfires on Mat Day as a magical means of protecting them from disease. (This practice has some truth since driving livestock close to the intense heat of a bonfire gets rid of bugs, parasites, and insect eggs). People Jumping the Fire is another custom.

Don't forget the food. When you plan your Spring meals, think about foods that symbolize fertility and the growing season of the earth. Anything leafy or green, or fertility foods such as eggs, fruits and vegetables. Load up your dinner table with tasty treats that remind you that new life is about to begin.

May Day is also associated with Handfasting.

* This is a 3 for 3 or a 6 for 6 card trade. Make 3 or 6 ATCs and receive the same number back.

* ALL mediums and techniques are welcome. Please make sure you add some depth to your cards, whatever style you choose. Your mediums can include, but are not limited to: paper, tissue paper, crayon, acrylic, watercolor, gel pens, colored pencil, rubber stamping, ink, newspaper clippings, magazine clippings, etc. Please do not take an image, cut it out, glue it to a card, and call it done. Color the background. Add some texture. Add more than one image. Make the ATC YOUR CREATION! Please send in your best work. Something you would not be disappointed in receiving if it was sent to you.

* Please sign up by posting to this thread.
* ONLY ATCs allowed. No APCs accepted.
* All cards need to be sent each in their own plastic sleeve.
* All cards need to be standard ATC size: 2.5” x 3.5”
* All cards need to be sturdy enough to earn the name “card” (no floppy or flimsy paper). If it is created on a single sheet of paper, and "flimsy", please back your ATC with something stiffer, or more firm, such as a cereal box.
* Just as important, check for cards that are too thick. Each card must still be capable of fitting into the standard ATC sleeve. If your ATC will not fit into an ATC sleeve, it is too bulky.
* Please put the Swap name and your Username on the back of all cards. And please write clearly on everything!
.....We can't give you itrades and/or You Rock! points if we don't know who you are.
* Please confirm there is enough postage on both the envelope you send to me, and the envelope I need to send back to you.
* If you are unsure about mailing ATCs, or just may want to pick up some good tips for shipping, here is a great link.

* If you are inside the U.S., please include a Self Addressed Stamped (Business Size) Envelope 4 by 9 1/2 inches, with one "Forever" stamp or current First Class Postage if trading 3 cards; or one "Forever" and one additional ounce postage stamp if trading 6 cards, OR if your cards are extra heavy or extra bulky (or 2 forever stamps if that is easier).

* International participants, if you have U.S. funds, or U.S. postage, it is greatly appreciated. However, since many of you do not have access to U.S. stamps/money, I will cover your postage. Please include a self addressed envelope 4 by 9 1/2 inches (10 x 28 cm), or if you do not have the correct size envelope, please include a large mailing label with your address and I will provide the envelope.

* I apologize for being so demanding about the envelope size, but the postal rates in the US charge extra for thickness. When cards are stacked, or overlapped, in (a smaller) envelope, it almost always costs more to mail. If you send me a small envy, the cards get stacked. When I use the 4 inch by 9 1/2 inch business size envelopes, I can spread the cards over the area, making a THIN package, and only pay for basic (minimum) postage.

* Cards are due IN MY HANDS by May 31, 2024. Please allow sufficient lead time for cards to get to me, particularly if you are an International participant. Returns will be mailed promptly. Please leave iTrader for your host ONLY (me) when you receive your returns, and please take the time to leave Reputation/You Rock points for your fellow players from whom you receive cards.

* A hostie card in this theme is appreciated but not at all expected!

* Thank you for considering this swap! If you have my address from previous swaps, it hasn't changed. If you are new, or have not been in one of my swaps for a while, please contact me (have a conversation with me) for my address when you sign up or when you are ready to mail.

* Above all, Have fun!

Current Participants
Welcome Spring -- Due May 31, 2024

1. Luk -- Cards Received
2. Pamitha -- Cards Received
3. JustJayne -- Cards Received
4. Tillygo -- Cards Received
5. leydab -- Cards Received
6. mybrokenart -- Cards Received
7. The FFG -- Cards Received
8. pixxi88 -- Cards Received
9. Boots -- Cards Received
10. TaraMorin
11. dvart
12. mrubyjean -- Cards Received
13. Vicki Z -- Cards Received
14. Monica
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I look forward to May! Usually my daughter and I go to a gorgeous shop filled with annuals and baby tomato plants and we shop and shop getting colorful flowers for hanging pots and porch planters and tomatoes (which I just plant in the the flowers instead of having a vegetable garden.) It is a delightful time. I even buy bags of potting soil as our "dirt" is actually sand. So, yes, please. Sign me up!
I look forward to May! Usually my daughter and I go to a gorgeous shop filled with annuals and baby tomato plants and we shop and shop getting colorful flowers for hanging pots and porch planters and tomatoes (which I just plant in the the flowers instead of having a vegetable garden.) It is a delightful time. I even buy bags of potting soil as our "dirt" is actually sand. So, yes, please. Sign me up!
I think I will grow tomatoes in the flower bed this year. I did it once before and it worked well. Thanks for reminding me!
Add me, please. We have been going through Spring since January and allergies are killing us here in Florida,
After 3 days of snow, with accumulation of 7-10 inches EACH DAY, today it feels like Spring again.
I am headed outside!
May means Mother's Day, Spring Wheat harvest and fruit tree blossoms and the Spokane, Washington Lilac Festival! It also means tulips and daffodils but I can't get that one to upload.