That Girl Ain't Right! ~ Due August 15th

Sign me up not-even-close-to-being-quite-right Hostess! Another monumental swap at its inception...SO EXCITING!

And I am thrilled to be signing up behind a Trina post, who clearly proved she ain't right by her killer-cool new username. And using my fave emote in her siggy :elvis:. Loves me the HotMamaRama!
I have nothing to add to the conversation right now, but just wanted to have a post right after the ever cool Nanner! It's my theory that if I post after the cool kids I'll be accepted into their clique. Is it working?
Nightvamp, JoyFlower, and nannernopants, ye are all welcome here!

Trina, surely SOMEONE has some hot guys around here who can wash out the bus! I never should have left it at that damn pig farm!

And Russell, I don't know if you've noticed yet, but you ARE a cool kid. I keep telling you this, and you keep sticking your fingers in your ears.
Can Russell and Jack wash the bus? They aren't half if Russell is sudsing up the ride I can rifle through his magic bag of art supplies!
Oooh! Russell, can we objectify you and Jack while Cindy steals your art supplies? I don't know Pixeldog, and he might not like it if I tried to jack his hipsters . . .
I like the way you think Cindy! I was trying to visualize Russell and Jack with sudsy sponges as well.... ;)

Russell - You are THE Cool Kid we all follow, dontcha know!?!? And just for the record... I'm a real good tipper! ;) Just saying!
That was cow BELLS, not...b*lls! Oh that bartender! We need a new hunky bartender right away. One who doesn't get car sick & who knows how to mix all of Muppet's cool drink inventions!
Wowsers. I had told myself I wouldn't join ANY swaps that are due in August....but since I'm not quite right, I need to board the bus.

And Jack may be too busy--crocheting red squares for me--to wash the bus!
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