HandDrawn/HPaint Biological Illustration-Animals, Birds, Fish and More! Due April 21


Drawing and Collecting All the Dog Breeds
Jan 1, 2011
SE Ohio and Vernon, CT USA
Feedback: 1886 / 0 / 0
Swap Due Date: April 21, 2014
Signup/Withdraw date: Anytime, just let me know.
Number of Cards: 3 for 3
Number of participants: Unlimited
Media: hand drawn or hand painted only

I love the wonderful drawings and paintings of creatures found in antique field guides and textbooks. For this swap you wall draw or paint any creature in a realistic style. Color or black and white. Samples:


Rules of the Road
- All cards should be the standard size: 2.5” x 3.5”.
- All cards should be sent in plastic sleeves.
- All cards must be original, and each card must be different. Please do not make copies, submit prints, or create three cards that are minor variations of each other.
- Show off your talents. DO YOUR BEST WORK!
- Hand drawn or Hand Painted only please...no embellishments!

- When you're ready to mail, please PM me for my address.
- Make sure your name, user name, location, and the swap name appear on the backs of all ATCs.

- US Participants, include self addressed business size, and $.70 postage LOOSE in the envelope.

- Canadian players please send:
*$1.36 in US Postage
*$1 or $2 in US bills
*OR you may send me money via Paypal
****a self addressed business size envelope or a large mailing label with your address.

-Other international players $2 (actual cost of 2 ounces is $2.15..so if you want to send extra, much appreciated) US bills or US postage OR I can take Paypal.

- Please mail your cards early so they arrive on time. US players, it can take 1 week, Canada usually 2 weeks CERTAIN OTHER COUNTRIES TAKE FOREVER...so plan ahead.

- When you receive your returns, please leave iTrader for me and rep points for the artists. It is always nice to tell the player which card you received too. I will link players names to make this easy peasy.

Host cards
A host card is not required, but I really LOVE getting them. They make it all worthwhile.

1. Neener RECEIVED
3. Fandanie RECEIVED
5. Ms. Squid
6. Lost Cities RECEIVED

8. lemurkat RECEIVED
9. plumhill2001 RECEIVED
10. Drake22ice RECEIVED

12. sheala.draws RECEIVED
13. BamaKathy RECEIVED
14. Karch RECEIVED
16. Hydric RECEIVED
17. megan457 RECEIVED
19. BayLeeFree1515 RECEIVED
20. Bag123 RECEIVED
21. Mommydoesart RECEIVED
22. artlvr533 RECEIVED
23. rockingbarranch RECEIVED
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Welcome Neener, Phoenix177 and Fandanie!

Do you have any favorite biological illustrators? Mine is Ernst Haeckel.

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I'd have to say Haeckel as well. I particularly love that one you posted. I have a book of his for sea creatures. Love the stuff in there.
I'd love to join this swap! My favorite biological illustrator is William Bartram -- he was an early naturalist and proto-anthropologist (that is, working before the discipline of anthropology really existed) who was the first to document many plant and animal species in my home state of Florida. Alas, he didn't get credit for many of his discoveries because he was slow to publish.

He spotted alligators while he was in Florida -- I'm guessing he ran away and drew them later, because he drew them like this:


But that just makes them all the more awesome :wubclub:

Here's a more traditional looking illustration by Bartram (not one of my favorites, but those are all coming up supa huge):
Lurking.. gotta a lot going on, but would absolutely love to take part. let me see after I get some projects done within the next week. I might join.
Squideee!!! Yay ;)

Lost Cities...thanks for sharing Bartram's work! I love learning about nature illustrators and he's a good one!

Welcome FourthEther to the site and my swap!

Lurkers...Drake and ZhouZhou...hope you'll be back to join us :D
I know I said "no" to the email, but I'm wondering... is my latest style of Art Cards (for my animal-a-day project) acceptable for this swap? If so, I can play because I will certainly have enough cards to contribute! They are realistic (well, as realistic as I get) animals in their natural habitat. I'll attach a few here as examples:
lemurkat I think those would be great for this swap. Certainly as realistic as a lot of the early illustrators have done. And with relevant backgrounds to boot!
Yay! I shall be joining then and provide one of each a bird, mammal, fish and reptile. Or maybe an insect, depending on what I am up to at the moment.

The inner zoology pedant in me would like to point out that your title is slightly innacurate, and should read:
Field Guide to Animals: Fish, Birds, and More!
Because fish and birds ARE animals. The inner zoology pedant in me gets bothered at implications that only mammals are animals. But I'm not saying you need to change your swap title, I am just being anal retentive.
Hi lemurkat...I argued with myself on that one, but decided to use those terms to make the thread search friendly, rather than being concerned about correct definitions. Just so you know that I made the "mistake" on purpose.
Did this one today as an experiment. I've never done a pencil drawing before, but the illustration I was using led me in that direction.
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