Summer Days Swap: Due July 28, 2017

Londonont1: Wow! Your cards arrived. You are the first. Your creations are fantastic. I hope you post them for others to see. Great colors and design. Thanks for the hostess card and money for postage.

Summer days in San Francisco--rained yesterday,
cool days today and up to the 80's next week. Crazy as usual. What are your summer days like?
tfelix, at the bottom of the message (next to "post") you should see "Go Advanced." Click on that and then click on the paperclip icon to upload it as an attachment! :)
OLDSLADY1992: Your absolutely fabulous art cards are in my hot little hands. Thank you for the hostess card and lovely note.I am honored that almost 4 years ago you did your first swap with me:jiggy:

This is my first swap. I mostly keep my art to myself and sometimes my FB friends, so it's a wee bit scary to send my work out into the world :) These are a few of my summer favorites: the beach, watermelon, lavender, and cherry chocolate chip ice cream :) They are done in watercolor pencil. Cheers!

I am so happy you have shared your art and that I am your first swap. I love your art and watercolors are one of my favorite mediums. I hope you had fun!!
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