Friday the 13th, Superstitions, Spells, Witches, And More: Due October 13, 2017

How fascinating.....
Someone did a swap about songs a while back, that focused on a color.

And part of the Trivia that came up in the swap thread was that "Blue" was the color most written up in songs.

I might have thought that blue might also have the most superstitions about it.
Just off the top of my head, blue moon, blue bird of happiness, hold your breath until you turn blue, blue as the dead, blue with cold, paint a room blue to achieve calmness, touch blue, and your wish will come true, and there some theatrical superstition about NOT wearing a blue garment unless it is lined with silver, and blue Morning Glories!

Off to google!
Vicki Z, I've thought about some of those. The only reason the Blue came to mind is because I have this blue ink paint that I want to use for a project and thought I'd use it, but then I saw all these things about butterflies and my attention was taken there.

Wow, I've never heard about the blue garment, but there's also the something blue for weddings, and I'll have to look up a few of the ones you've mentioned as well.

This is what I love about your swaps. I'm always learning stuff.
AWESOME cards received from TrinaLD.
These are sooooo wonderful.
Thanks so much for including a hostie card, actually TWO hostie cards.
Returns are in the mail.
You should all have happy mail by next week.
Thanks to everyone for sending in some AWESOME cards.
And thanks for making the effort to use some new, or at least some not well know, superstitions.
I received Fabulous cards in the mail today from Boots (Lucky White Butterfly), Chiknorriss (Ancient Prophecy), An.M.Sudyka (it's bad luck if a broom touches your head), sillylily41 (Ouija), PinkJellyFish (Salty Superstitions), and MyNameisJenn (Don't Walk Under the Ladder). I love these cards! Thank you Vicki Z for hosting and to the artists for these wonderful cards. Off to leave I-trader and RAK now!
3 days from Minnesota to California.
My nearest neighbor in my own state of Minnesota doesn't have hers yet.........
Got mine today, too! Love them all!! Thanks to wonderful as usual host, Vicki_Z, and also to An.M.Sudyka, CesariaB, and Vicki herself for the great cards!
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