Haunted Houses - House Shaped ATCs, Mixed Media Collage Only, due October 20, 2017

Cards due IN MY HANDS this coming Friday.
Get your cards mailed if you want to get back any of these beauties as returns.
I hate to do this, but I sadly need to withdraw. I just haven't been able to get something together - I only got 2 cards done and I dislike one of them immensely:( I'm really sorry to miss out on the wonderful artwork that's been posted.
FAB cards received from TrailRider.
These cards are spectacular.
Thank you so much for including a hostie card.
Cute cards received from Monica.
Cute washi tape that had all the bottles on it, that you used on the envelope.
LOVE it.

I have peeled it off, and I am saving it for another use.
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This is all the cards I am expecting, so I will be swapping out this weekend.
AWESOME cards, everyone!!
I sympathize, Evalila.
Unfortunately, I have no control over the mail, although I ask Santa for that power every Christmas.
Vicki I guess you know that I'm addicted to these tiny houses now. And it's all your fault! That means you are going to hafta keep trading with me!!

Yeah I am a fan of saving the cool washi tape I've received on the outside of envelopes! :)

Yet another addiction of mine. And I try to use it on every envelope I send out and I always reuse what comes on the mail.
Returns are in the mails.
They went out yesterday, but we also had our first snowstorm of the season yesterday, so they got off to a cool and creepy start.
You should all have new art to drool over next week.

Thanks to all of you for some absolutely stellar work. The submissions were AWESOME. I loved the cards you sent in and it was obvious a lot of effort went into creating them! I can't believe all the wonderful, unique, and creative ways many of you depicted houses ...... everything to castles, weird shapes, and embossed brick chimneys. Thank you for time, effort, and creativity.

When your cards arrive, please remember to give iTrader (to me) and "You Rock" rep points (to the players whose cards you receive in your returns). This is a great way to say thank you for the card, and also then everyone knows where their creations ended up.

Thanks again for playing.
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