Intergalactic Space Babes ATC Swap - Due December 1st, 2017

Does anyone know how to delete old attachments? I know that you can go in under Attachments, tick some tick boxes and select delete. But what about the ones that don't have tick boxes? I have close to 90 old images that I can't delete, but I need to delete so I can upload newer stuff. Any ideas?
I would like to sign up. I'd like a chance at Rina's eyestalk alien or blue alien. I have 9 sketched and hope to get all of them finished.. :)
colored the grey babe. need to color the belt I guess..

One more for today:
All the cards are looking amazing so far! Super excited to see what everyone else has created. :)

There's about 2 weeks left before I start swapping out cards!
Make sure if you haven't received my address yet to message me soon. :)

I'll be rating and marking off the cards I've received so far today.
I'm afraid I need to drop out - I won't have time to make and send my cards before the deadline :(
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