MID-January PAT trash to treasure Due April 2, 2018

Thanks for adding an APC group, CastleQueen. I would love to join. I'll think about a theme and which cards and let you know.
Group 4 has not had any hits, so I am going to change it to the extra group depending on what group we need for the players. So it might be another hand drawn group or another zentangle or another APC. Or it just might be open media.
APCs for me, please! Player 1-King of diamonds, Player 2-me, Player 3-10 of spades, Player 4-10 of diamonds, Player 5-10 of clubs.

Theme and Trash: Woman on a cancelled postage stamp, please!
If this works for group four - paint chip trash - theme California poppies - any medium, hand drawn, zentangle, stamps, collage, etc.
Allagrea I got you listed

JavaZarf, your idea works great. Group 4 is now open media, So it will be the overflow group. You can pick your trash and theme but you cant pick the media the creator can use.
I'll join Group 4! I'll pick ravens as my theme and cancelled postage stamps as my trash.

Amyfaerie, do you have any postage stamps with ravens? I gather you mean you want ravens, and there also needs to be a postage stamp on the card. I can see a raven with a sunflower postage stamp.

Otherwise this isnt an easy enough theme. Once I mailed the stamp to the player in the group. I will be checking my 3 ring binder FULL of stamps. I have a bird section. I might have some ravens. I googled raven postage stamp images and there are many.
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