HandDrawn/HandPainted Cats! Due April 1, 2018

I received some awesomecards today from mcgillisj, zhouzhou and Fernheart95. Thanks guys and thanks to our host for this most excellent swap! I'm off to leave rep and iTrader. :yes:
Esew123 - As I mentioned in my PM to you, it was not intended for you to receive 2 cards from the same player (as nice as they may be). Gaw...my sincere mistake. I will send you a replacement card made by me as an alternate. Sorry about that.

I received my cards yesterday, and what a fantastic litter of kitties it was. Thanks for hosting mcgillisj. And thanks to these talented artists:
xela7072 - Three cats as seen from the back
Bunnymther - In the style of Laurel Burch #2
Rina - Kitty with Purple Bow
Whew! My cats arrived safely! Thanks so much, mcgillisj, for a great swap! And thanks to seascape131 (Cat 2), Arbitrary Star (grey cat on fence), and Amyfaerie (Watercolor Cat #4)! I love them all! Points forthcoming. ;)
Got mine the other day. Been busy. Received some lovely cards from sheala.draws, noodlerabbit and from our awesome host Mcgillis. Thank you everyone!

EDIT: Thank you Mcgillisj for pointing out to me my mistake. I received a card from HeatherO, not Mcgillisj.....I just saw her name on the card for host and didn't pay attention to the rest. I love my card HeatherO.
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I got amazing cards in the mail. Thanks to ann_stebbing, Noodlerabbit88 and HeatherO for their fabulous artwork and a huge thank you to mcgillisj for hosting.
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