April 2018 Pick-A-Theme, due June 25, 2018

Hooray! My puppies have arrived. Thanks to Spirit Soul, Dithespy, CQ5 and Ann_Stebbing for such a great set of doggie cards. And for our wonderful hostess - xStitcher.
Wow! My peoples really out-did themselves. I just love all of my ATCs! Thanks to: trini70, goatgirl, JudyLee & Allegrae for the great ermines. Thanks to: mrubyjean, stephiedee, katelnorth & Allegrae for the dandelions! Thanks, xstitcher for hosting. Off to leave well deserved ITraders!!
I received my cards during my week of 50th anniversary parties. I'm exhausted and forgot to open my mail until today. Many thanks to Robin (for 2 cards), CiciCreates for a sweet puppy, xela7072 for a little boston terrier, to Urocyonfox for a green spotted dog, TFBalding for an amazing rose, dithespy for a wild rose, NatashaMay fora vase of happiness and to xstitcher for hosting. I have left you all notes. I am very pleased with all the art.
Wonderful birdie cards arrived today! Thank you to all the artist and thank you xstitcher for hosting. I've left i-traders for all!
I´ve received my returns from group 5 :)! Thank you so much to xstitcher as a wonderful hostess and to my fellow group-members for the lovely Dr.Seuss-cards. iTraders left except for smallgirl, as the system won´t let me rate her than after two hours (left another iTrader earlier). Will do that tomorrow!
Received my cards today - thanks to Group 7 (mrubyjean, stephiedee, ferretgirl and allegrae) for house shaped ATCs - all great. And thanks to Group 5 (smallgirl, amapola, pikkis, castlequeen5) for APCs with a postage stamp - also great! And of course, thanks to xstitcher for hosting.

Some iTraders will be left tonight, some will have to wait until later as I've left iTrader for other things recently...
Received my terrific returns! Thanks for hosting, xstitcher! Off to leave iTrader...
Looks like almost everyone has their cards!

Hope the rest of you get them soon.

Thank you all for the lovey comments in the iTraders.
Glad most of the cards have arrived!

Thanks to all of for letting me know. I always worry till they all get home...……..

Soon it will be time to start the next one.
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