Mail Call!!!

jo.on.the.go Fantastic ATCs have blown in. Love the variety in theme; thank you for the extra one!!
Mine haven't arrived yet? They were only going from southern Oregon to sort-of-southern Washington! I swear, the postal service here in Medford sucks big time. :arghh:
Mail Call!!!

Ancient Planter Your mail arrived yesterday. Believe me, mail is always slow getting to WA that is why I really suggest (hard) to artists to mail as early as possible. Lovely ATCs & thank you for adding an extra one....
Awww Thanks for signing up, girls. Mrs. Alderman that is all we grew up watching on tv, too, and even now my hubby likes to watch GunSmoke. Can't get away from that show!! Ha Ha Ha
Gosh, we really need to get some more artists in this swap. Have received really nice ATCs so far....
I'm still lurking - I've got 3 cards to finish for a swap I'm already committed to before I can get to this swap. Hope to get some cards made soon - if I can pull it off, I will sign up.
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