A Change of Scenery ATC swap - Due December 5

What are you going to do with all those extra cards, Haagmm?

You could do some CRRR
or host a swap over on that "other" site, swap-bot. I think you might get some takers in my group over there. Think about it.

Or just hoard them til you die and then your kids will toss them out and wonder what the heck was wrong with mother that she kept all this stuff. (that is my plan)
I hope everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I did not have a change of scenery for my Thanksgiving dinner- we ate with about 40 members of our “ranch family”. There’s a family that volunteers to prepare a fantastic thanksgiving dinner for any of the boys who don’t have anywhere to go for a holiday pass.

One week until the deadline!!
I’m my golly I’m still laughing!!! LOVE your set!!!! Especially zip line tours!!! Hahaha! Gasp! Every one of your cards is so clever! Thank you for the smile!
Kae.Ryan - those are great! I think my favorite is the flamenco dancer pointing at the bottle of wine. I'll let you know when they arrive.
Only 3 days to go! There are a few players who I haven't heard from or seen pics posted. Please let me know how you're doing on getting your cards done!

I am so excited to see all of these creations lined up on my table!!
Mail Call!!

A while ago (cleverly hidden by textbooks of a college student on an extra-long Thanksgiving break) I got cards from MrsMixedMedia!

Yesterday I got cards from dsign49.

I am loving everyone's cards!! So much fun to look at each persons creativity.
Mail Call- Yesterday - right on time!! I received cards from Kae.Ryan and DNewton973.

I'm stilling waiting on a set that was mailed last week - so I'll let everyone know when the swapping is happening!!
Whew - Swapping these out was a little tougher than I thought it would be. Of course, I wanted to make sure that nobody got duplicates of one particular person, so that took a little extra sorting.
All the cards went out this morning. I stood in the ridiculous holiday line at the post office so everything could be weighed and properly posted. About half went non-machinable so they will take longer. As I said, I tried to not give anyone two cards of the same person but wasn't able to do that 100%.

Honorable mention to the flamenco dancer turned surfer and the flamenco dancer turned Christmas tree decorator. Those were perfect change of scenery and activity that worked so well with their body positioning.

This evening I will post a listing of some of the changes that each of our people experienced.
Here is an overview of everything that our people got to experience with their "Changes of Scenery":

The Royal Mounties decided it was time to take a vacation and see what all they could do. They got to try their hand at herding sheep, parachuting, fishing, sight-seeing, building a snowman, doing dishes, taking a road-trip, going to a party, taming cheetahs, churning butter, winning a dog show, stopping to smell the flowers and last but certainly not least, helping the horse find true love.

The flamenco dancers also got to try out many new activities. They tried swimming as a mermaid, decorating a Christmas tree, ballet dancing, playing football, fishing, hula dancing, bull fighting, playing the bagpipes, canoeing, falling in love, surfing, picking a great wine, grilling, and being a crossing guard. They also got to try out the new, ultra popular dance style...Flamingo Dancing!! They also experienced a serious storm and escaped from some flooding, then spent one winter as a centaur and finally took trips to to Easter Island and the jungle!

And our golf playing friends had to put away the golf clubs and pick up some tools and heavy weaponry...including taking up a newspaper to defend against a spider, using a sickle to harvest grapes, vacuuming, tenderizing some meat, and chopping wood with an ax. But you know what they say about all work and no play. They were often seen with umbrellas and balloons but also tried their hands at zip-lining, playing the guitar, climbing trees, mixing drinks and feeding the birds. Of course, all of life can't be fun and games, they also had to get groceries. There was still a little time for dancing, bird-watching with some dandy binoculars and of course, getting coffee!!

I do hope that you all enjoyed the swap and I hope you get a kick out of your returns.
It was a really cute idea, Melissa, and thanks so much for sharing all our dancers’ and Mounties’ and golfers’ adventures!
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