
Finding my artistic self
Friend of AFA
Sep 21, 2016
Feedback: 3919 / 0 / 0
Swap Due Date: May 22, 2020
Signup/Withdrawl: none, just communicate, please.
Number of Cards: 3 for 3
Number of Participants: unlimited
Media: Any Media, but please try to limit the use of stickers.

3rd Annual Save the Bees ATC Swap Due May 22, 2020

At this time of the year, when everything is springing back to life, we should all be mindful of the importance of bees. Without them, we would not survive for very long. This year, in my garden, I have placed a new nesting home for the solitary bees. I placed it near my vegetable garden, so the bees who take up residence will have plenty of flowers to feast upon. I have a larger “bug house” in my shade garden, and was thrilled to see the little bees making their home in there! Nature is just so awesome!

For this swap, bees are the focus. They can be nestled in the flowers, covered with pollen, hovering near the bee hive, or whatever you want them to be doing! In the past 2 years, the cards have been amazing! I am sure that this year will bring even more fun and creative ideas!

Cards are to be standard ATC size, 3 1/2" X 2 1/2" and the cards should be straight and sturdy and in an individual plastic sleeve. Please include swap name, user name, your real name, date and location on the back of all cards.

This is an open media swap. HD/HP, collage, anything goes! Whatever you decide, make sure that you have colored backgrounds.... no plain white backgrounds! Have fun with this theme! Be creative do your best work, and send in cards that you would be proud to add to your collection. I will do my best to swap media for media. Host cards are not required to play, but if you choose to send one, I will cherish it.

US participants, please send a large address label and a forever stamp. I will provide the envelopes!

International participants, Please enclose a large address label and a well concealed US Dollar bill. I will supply the envelopes. Any questions?? PM me.

When your cards are ready to mail, send me a PM for my address. If you have my address from previous swaps, it is the same. Try to mail your cards early!! I like to be prompt in sending back your returns.

When you do receive your returns, please be kind enough to leave "you rock" points for the artist whose cards you received, and if you feel that I have done a good job as a host, please leave an ITrader for me.

Who would like to play?

0. Suzi ~Arrived
2. JenUrebel ~Arrived
3. Elliejaybird ~Arrived
4. CMontalvo ~Arrived
5. TrinaLD ~Arrived
6. malufean76 ~Arrived
7. SpottedCrow ~Arrived
8. yellita96 ~Arrived
9. catladybj ~Arrived
10. MicheleMc ~Arrived
11. Terri F ~Arrived
12. Heathermae77 ~Arrived
13. plumhill2001 ~Arrived
14. KatTaylor ~Arrived
15. RaineyDay ~Arrived
16. Evalila ~Arrived
17. LuAnnP ~Arrived
18. Vegan4animals ~Arrived
19. MissRich ~Arrived
20. Seascape131 ~Arrived
21. luckycat479 ~Arrived
22. MysteriousWisteria No Cards
23. ferretgirl ~Arrived

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I have been saving the bees by growing wild flowers in my back yard, now called the jungle. But the bees love it. And I grew some sunflowers. OK GOD made them grow, It was not deliberate. I just got the area wet and they sprung up over the winter. (we dont really have winter here). So they have been in full bloom for months. The bees love them. The lady bugs like my back yard too.

I am not sure if I can play, in this swap. But I thought I would tell. you I am saving the bees one weed and flower at a time.
I have been saving the bees by growing wild flowers in my back yard, now called the jungle. But the bees love it. And I grew some sunflowers. OK GOD made them grow, It was not deliberate. I just got the area wet and they sprung up over the winter. (we dont really have winter here). So they have been in full bloom for months. The bees love them. The lady bugs like my back yard too.

I am not sure if I can play, in this swap. But I thought I would tell. you I am saving the bees one weed and flower at a time.

That is wonderful, CastleQueen5! Bees are so important! My flowers are just starting, the peak for the bees comes later is Spring and all through to late a Fall. My bees are very happy here!
I'll join!

I grew spicy lettuce greens a couple years back and let them all go to flower - nothing attracted as many bees and pollinating flies as those over-grown lettuces! I had planted flowers to attract pollinators, but the lettuce was the big draw!
Welcome snager and JenUrebel!

Ellie_Bean, I hope that you will be able to join us!
Welcome Elliejaybird! I will add you!

Lurkers, welcome! I hope you will be able to join us!
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