July PAT Due date: September 9


ATC Guru
Friend of AFA
Dec 29, 2008
ROBINA, Australia
Feedback: 4192 / 0 / 0
Due date: September 9
(don't forget that I live in Australia and COVID has slowed international mail - I suggest allowing 4 weeks for postage)
Withdraw - NONE, once signed up you're in so PLEASE be sure you want to play
Number of cards - 1 for each person in your group
Number of participants - 8 groups of 5

GROUPS 2 & 6 mailed Sept 16
GROUPS 1, 4 & 5 mailed Sept 24
GROUPS 7 & 8 mailed Oct 17

To play you must have:
an established positive iTrader rating of +15
no negatives within the last 6 months
no neutrals for lack of cards/communication within the last 3 months

I like glitter and bling and all things shiny so this PAT is going to SHINE - every card will need to have something on it which catches the light and glitters. You can use: actual glitter (seal it well so that it doesn't shed), Spica pens, sparkly gel pens, shiny or holographic paper, sparkly embossing powder, Glimmer mists, Twinkling H2Os, rhinestones/pearls and anything else you can find in your stash that shines.

If you think you want to play, but have questions PLEASE read all the instructions to see if they are answered there. If they are not go ahead and sign up with an undetermined theme to reserve your spot, then PM me and I will do my best to clear up whatever. We can always open the spot back up if you decide not to join.

Please, please, please do not over commit yourself. Anyone who does not follow through will receive a negative iTrader from me and could receive a negative iTrader from each member of your group.

General information:
- this swap contains 8 groups of 5 members. Sign ups end when all spots are filled
- you must be willing to work on all the other themes in your group!
- this will be an on time swap. Cards are to be in my hands on or before SEPTEMBER 9th. I know that Life can get in the way sometimes so if something comes up please contact me as soon as possible so we can work it out.
- pick a group, pick a theme.
-once you sign up you CAN'T withdraw as some artists start their cards immediately
- make a card for each member of your group in THEIR chosen theme, you will receive a card of your chosen theme in return from each member
- make sure you send cards you are proud of

Sending your cards:
- all cards should be in individual plastic sleeves
- please include your username and group number on the outside of your mailing envelope. (I run multiple swaps at the same time and want to avoid mixing your cards with another swap)
- please put your username, the group number and the recipient's username on each card you make
- if you want to post your cards to the thread for all to enjoy please do, but it is not necessary

Mailing information:
- when you are ready to mail, PM me for my address (if you have my address in Robina I am still there)
- put each card in its own plastic sleeve (NOT those 3-in-a-row sleeves as they don't fit my envelopes)
- make sure that your username, the group number and the recipient's usernames are on the backs of all your cards
please enclose a self-addressed envelope and postage
please enclose a LARGE address label/ your address clearly printed on a piece of paper (at least 2" x2"). I'll provide the envelope
Unfortunately Australian international postage has gone up to AU$3.20 so I must ask for US$2 or a Global Forever stamp

What about iTRader?
Like any other swap, I'll leave iTrader for players when their cards arrive. When you get your returns, you leave iTrader for me. In addition, because this is a PAT, you leave iTrader for the other members of your group, too (NOT Reps). That means that you'll get 5 iTraders. It also means that if a player joins and does not send cards, they will get 5 negative iTRader ratings. Playing in a PAT is a serious commitment - so think carefully before you join.

As this PAT has the added difficulty of of shimmer and shine ALL THEMES ARE TO BE EASY OR REGULAR (ie no difficult themes)

Group 1 - hand drawn/painted, gold OR silver FULL
(you can ask for the WHOLE card to be in that colour or let people use that colour as accents)
1. BArox818 - Heaven accented in gold - returned
2. CiCiCreates - lady's face accented with silver jewellery (earrings, necklace, tiara, etc) - returned
3. Fandanie - lady's arm and hand decorated with silver ring and bracelets - received
4. monroy28 - silver Eiffel tower- returned
5. yonawrites - woman's face with silver hair - returned

Group 2 - hand drawn/ painted - subtle shimmer and shine (think Twinkling H2Os,Spica pens, Glimmer mists, Perfect pearls powders, etc)
1. aginghippychic - butterflies - returned
2. Paintaddict - fish - received
3. prayer_at_night - fairies - returned

Group 4 - hand drawn/ painted - subtle shimmer and shine (think Twinkling H2Os,Spica pens, Glimmer mists, Perfect pearls powders, etc) FULL
1. CiCiCreates - Japanese kimono - returned
2. T F Balding - candy - returned
3. Terri F - man in the moon (whimsy) - returned
4. lazyshadows - steampunk angel - returned
5. Essy - robot - returned

Group 5 - zentangles (choose a colour accent/ shape/ particular tangles from tanglepatterns)
(make your creation on shiny background, add metallic pens for accents, etc)
1. AngelJoy - butterfly shape(s), any tangle, any colour - returned
2. ThouArtDelyrias - butterfly(ies) with purple - returned
3. donnacr - red, your choice of tangles - returned

Group 6 - washi tape, ribbons, lace some examples
(choose a direction/shape to make eg diagonal, square or choose colour - many washi tapes are shiny already, etc)
1. AngelJoy - heart shapes, the brighter the better - returned
2. Donnacr - diagonals - returned
3. Paintaddict - checks - returned
4. prayer_at_night - pink - returned

Group 7 - mixed media FULL
1. BArox818 - a spacescape or alien planet - returned
2. chimerix - dragon(s) - returned
3. LucyMc - hare with moon - received
4. AnitaMac - snowflake(s) - returned
5. kehlenn - artist's choice but must include an ATCoin somewhere (see post #32) - returned

Group 8 - APCs
1. Kar3ll - Circus (animals, tickets, big top, clowns, etc) - received
P2 - 8 Hearts
P3 - A Clubs
P4 - 4 Diamonds
P5 - J Spades
2. JudyLee - celestial (sun or moon) with text - returned
P1 - K Hearts
P3 - K Diamonds
P4 - K Spades
P5 - K Clubs
3. catladybj - zentangled mushrooms (NOT as a house) - returned
P1 - 8 Hearts
P2 - 8 Diamonds
P4 - 8 Spades
P5 - 8 Clubs
4. LucyMc - shoes - received
P1 - 2 Hearts
P2 - 2 Clubs
P3 - 2 Diamonds
P5 - 2 Spades
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Interesting twist... definitely makes it much harder, but I’ll bite...
Group 1: Heaven accented in gold
Group 7: a spacescape or alien planet

And a suggestion for group 8. I just hosted May PAT and the 2 APC groups I had filled up so fast that my group 8 (also open for suggestions) ended up being turned into a 3 APC group. Seems like there’s a lot of interest in that area. Don’t add it on my account as I don’t currently collect them, but I’m sure you’ll get lots of requests
I’ll join Group 1 please. Lady’s face accented with silver jewelry (earrings, necklace, tiara - any or all)
welcome to BArox818 and CiCiCreates - LOVE your themes!

I have now changed Group 8 to APCs so have signed you up Kar3ll, with TBA for theme ;)
Thank you Donna
Group 8 - theme: CIRCUS (anything to do with a circus: animals, tickets, big too, clowns, etc) since this swap has a shimmer & shine theme to it, I thought my Circus APC deck would work well :)
P2 - 8 hearts
P3 - A clubs
P4 - 4 diamonds
P5 - J spades
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Thinking about group 4... but I have a question lol... as someone with a limited number of shimmery things to work with atm, are we talking full card shimmer or accented shimmer?

**edit** I just went to Micheal's for the first time in AGES it feels like! I bought some sparkly pens. Put me in group 4, boss! Theme: Candy! :D
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welcome to Group 4 - T F Balding, Terri F, lazyshadows and Essy and it is now FULL! I have no problems with lazyshadows theme but I don't have to draw it - what do the rest of Group 4 think?

welcome to Group 8 - JudyLee. Don't forget that I need your theme and the card denominations you wish people to make for you
May I join group 8-APCS?
MUSHROOMS-Zentangled(not as a house)
____Player 1: 8 of hearts
____Player 2: 8 of diamonds
____Player 4: 8 of spades
____Player 5: 8 of clubs
Can I join please ... Group 7 Mixed Media ~ Outlander (books and series)

and Group 8 ~ Shoes

Player - 2 of Hearts
Player - 2 of Clubs
Player - 2 of Diamonds
Player - 2 of Spades

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