FRENCH INFLUENCE Mixed Media ATC Swap, Due FEBRUARY 20, 2021

Welcome to the lurkers' couch nanvan. I hope you will end up joining. :)
Mail Call: Gorgeous cards have arrived from 2 artists. Thank you Bluevioletz and Laffqueen for your incredible artwork. Thank you also for sending a hostess card. I'm excited to chose a piece of your art.
MAIL CALL: Lovely cards have arrived from CiCiCreates. I adore those French poodles! Thank you for the host card.
Welcome to you, SpottedCrow and EatSleepWriteABook. I'm so happy you guys decided to join.
angel_muz, you need to clear out some space in your mailbox so I can send you my address. It says you are full when I try to answer your message.
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