I haven't yet given out all iTraders to all participants in the PAT.
That sounds pretty tough for you to try to stay in communication and keep up to date on all your swaps. Which I imagine give yous lot's of problems, as all hosts ask for communication. You could try PMing Carole to see what advice she could give you to help improve things for yourself. (i.e. maybe some one else has been in the same position and Carole may know what worked for them)
However, I don't make the rules, I am just subject to them. You mailed your cards and they arrived past the PAT deadline.
PAT FAQ indicate what the host is supposed to do.
If you feel this neutral for late cards was unfairly given, you can always petition the mods with your case.
I will point out (for posterity):
Nov 9, I posted a big reminder in the thread there were 3 weeks left in the swap, and I also sent out a 2nd reminder PM to multiple players with my address. You were on that PM.
Nov 17, I posted a "two weeks to go" reminder in the thread
You logged in and were active November 18. You had the ability to communicate then. I received no reply to my PM, nor can I find a post in the PAT thread from you on November 18.
And FYI, you do show you are currently logged out. However, if you aren't actually signing out of public computers, that may be a security risk as anyone can use your account to access AFA. Since it's a security risk to the site, I've forwarded that info on to the mods if they have any issues with it.