i was thinking about playing, but then i realized that dar drives me crazy! LMAO! then, when i realized that i already lived about a block away from crazy, i got outta dar's car and walked there.

then i thought about playing some more, but crazy is a lot of fun and i might not get back in time!
mariecato... I think Dirty Jobs is way kewl....he should hang out with some artists I know....he'd be knee high and elbow deep in paints and inks and glue and sticky stuff and not have a clue how to clean up....right?

HHC...No hostess gifts will make it stress free for everyone...sometimes that 4th card is just too much to get made and I say this with experience...but, if anyone gets a 4th card made feel free to post it in your available gallery and get a great trade.

....this is the perfect swap for those of us who like to procrastinate or wait 'till the last minute....OH....you might already have 3 cards in your collection that you are ready to let go of....in any case.....it's something to think about or forget about.ROFL!

Cindyjob....unspecified is a good thing....feel free to be free lil' birdie!

The Mad Catter
.....artists like odd....I know you like the feeling of doing what ever you feel like doing...HAH! fleas are lil' pests that need to be glued down...trucks will still go down the road with a flat and give you the best bumpy ride ever...and I know first hand that I chock on the big fat worms, so I stay with the itty~bitty ones with lots of salt.

Penlowe....the Butler is always the best suspect 'cause he's such a busy~body!!!
The orphan is not evil....just grateful! Maryanne was a Gold digger but changed her ways and wanted a real relationship and family...so yup, she's preggy and happy.
Do they still have Gomer Pyle reruns on TV? hummmm laa laa laa...yo' po' baby...LOL!

...interesting is putting this mildly....it's freakin' insane!

KatieV...suspense is all that....makes us gals go Ummmmm...Mmmmmmm...more please!

Jaw....are you saying I have a reputation? shame on you....I'm a good girl I am!

Ibus....just for this swap....I'll admit I am a big art piggy oink~oink!!...but keepin' it light.

novasmem...the 5th doesn't always work if there's a good detective in the mix!

...perhaps ...hold that thought!

debi nc....decisions are a real part of life....but here you have your choice of the door you want to pick....fantasy or reality!!!

tlannea....I'd make an educated guess and say you fall into the 4% of people that are just different because they are....you and my son would hit it off big time!

Leneas Paperdreams...okay...you go ahead and eat the stuff....it's gotta be better then worms! I'm putting Maca-powder and that veggimite on my list of must haves or not have....LOL!
Amy....you're making me want to put a bar in my car and drive myself to drink...I'd like to put it out there.... that all of us know you are already crazy....I just make you crazier...but that doesn't make me a bad person does it? LMFBO!!!
I thought to myself, YAY another swap, then I read the rules. I'm not good at rules, get that from my dogs... anyway, I wasn't sure I wanted to do this one, even though it sounds like great fun, then I thought why not? Then I re-thought my thought, and thought should I?? I just don't know, heck I don't even remember what I'm writing about here...
I guess I could possibly make some cards for this swap. But, then again, I might perhaps be a bit too busy to get them completed. So I might not make some cards for this swap.

Maybe? Maybe not?

I will have to think on it for a while. Or not. Whichever/whatever.

Here ya go tlannea....my son Cary....Irish, single, 6'6" and I think ('cause I'm the momma!!) easy on the eyes.
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Jeez oh flip! 6'6" those tall ones....wowzer! Irish too!! Now there's another good quality...easy on the eyes...oh my...and I am NOT the mama! ;) at least not his!! LOL!!

I'm with Cheri, up above...all those faces and my eyeballs are rolling on the floor...must go fetch them...
oh, my LORD, dar! i'm with cheri, too . . . i think i went through the five stages of grief after looking at your son's photo and then remembering i'm married!

Amy....you're making me want to put a bar in my car and drive myself to drink...I'd like to put it out there.... that all of us know you are already crazy....I just make you crazier...but that doesn't make me a bad person does it? LMFBO!!!

point taken, dar . . . point taken. :laugh: :goofy:
LMAO Amy! I went through the five stages of grief remembering I am OLD!! Rats!!! Good work on that one Dar....kind of a dreamboat!
Oh Dar,your son isnt planning to visit Finland soon?He is awsome!Maybe if I triple my maca-powder portions,I will be forever young earlier:D
AND I love veggiemite as well!I lived in Australia when I was a little girl...(Hee...not so long ago,if your son reads this...)
No,really,it was in the early 70´s...
Truly, Dar? You didn't just snag that photo from some male model website? Yep, he's easy on the eyes alright... now is he also kind and funny? :) :)
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