ATC swap: Pretty in Pink, due March 15th

Received cards today from JudyLee - I know a few more are on the way, but if you haven't yet mailed, please do so soon as the due date is only 2 weeks away!
Cards in today from Aime, coolcontroller and GoldenWolf (iTraders later tonight) - so that's it! (Ashlee1089 has had to withdraw; she let me know a little while ago, though I forgot to mark it down). I will probably not get this swapped out tonight, but it's certainly possible I'll do it a little earlier than the deadline, which was next Tuesday. I'll let you all know for sure, once it's done and cards are ready to go.
All the cards have now been swapped and are sealed up in envelopes ready to go. I didn't get a chance to get to the post office this afternoon, but I hope to go tomorrow. I'll let you know if I don't, otherwise assumed they'll all be mailed Friday the 11th...
I'm not sure what colour I'll do next (though I do think I'll go ahead and do another colour) - I have a list of possible swap titles. :) Any preferences, GoldenWolf?
My cards arrived today. Am I the first one? Thanks to A123andpoof (pink shoe), Creativemeemee (pink elephant) and Lafaver55 (pink french poodle). And of course thanks to Kate for hosting this swap. Looking forward for the next color:jiggy:. Now off to leave reps and Itrader
You know, I think there's a Utah/England express route. :) One time, during the heaviest of Christmas mailing, I got a card from England in 4 days and one from Arizona (just due south of us) in 9 days.
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