Ghosts Among Us, Due October 09, 2020

Vicki Z

Addicted to ATCs
Feb 22, 2008
Feedback: 5209 / 0 / 0
Swap Due Date: Due October 09, 2020
Signup/Withdraw Date: Due October 09, 2020
Number of Cards: 3 for 3 or 6 for 6
Number of Participants: Unlimited
Medium: Any and all media and techniques are welcome
Ghosts Among Us, Due October 09, 2020


As days get shorter and night comes sooner, shadows appear earlier and are more noticeable. We may think of Helpers, Guardians, Protectors, or dearly departed relatives, that we may "see" or only "feel", but who may often council us, protect us, or in general, help us.

Do you believe in ghosts?
Have you ever seen a ghost, heard or felt a ghost, been helped by one, been frightened by one?
Call them spirits, or call them ghosts, be they helpful, frightening, quiet
Whatever form spirits or ghosts arrive in, 1 in 3 Americans believe in them. Do you?

My Maternal Grandmother is my Guardian Ghost, and I cannot tell you how may times she has helped me, as well as created a Miracle on my behalf. I see her passing through the kitchen. I smell her backing Banana nut loaf or date bread. I smell her distinctive "White Roses" cologne when she comes to help, or when she is just "passing through". I am comforted by her presence and her continued interest and care.
I have been told by others that they can smell their late father's aftershave, so we can "smell" ghosts as well as sense them and see them.

Ghosts may be tied to a physical object or to a particular location.
Ghosts may arrive with one of their personal possessions or with a piece of furniture (of theirs) you may have acquired.
You may be surprised to know that even a "New" House can harbor "Old Spirits" if built on the footprint of an "Old Site". An "Old" House may still house the earlier inhabitants - living as ghosts, even if the "Old" house has been removed or destroyed. Have you seen the 1935 movie "The Ghost Goes West", a comedy in which a Scottish castle and its ghost are moved to Florida, a perfect example of ghosts tied to a location.

Ghosts can often be seen or sensed by pets, and some young children, even when their owner is unaware of their presence.
Spirits often gather around the hospital bed of a dying person, perhaps to guide them beyond death's door.
Spirits may remain on this plane, rather than moving on, particularly if they have unfinished business, or if they died violently or unexpectedly.

Ghosts may be naughty children, for children are the most numerous of all ghost sightings.
.....It is theorized that perhaps they do not know they are dead, and continue to "live" and play
They may be playful pirates, or serious battle hardened soldiers, who died in battle, or died violently
They may be screaming Banshees, who, according to Scottish tradition, can foretell an impending death

In the 19th Century, Victorian funeral customs demanded that mirrors be covered with crepe or veiling to prevent the deceased spirit from getting trapped in the mirror and becoming a resident ghost in that house, consequently not being able to move on to the afterlife.
It is said that viewing a mirror by candlelight will not only show you your own reflection, but will also show you all the ghosts (and any other entities) that inhabit the place where the mirror is hung.
Sometimes family photos would be placed face down to avoid the ghost of the dead possessing the living.

It is thought that ghosts and spirits may be summoned and/or communicated with through the Ouija board or during a Seance. Create ATCs of Ouija boards or Seances in session.

Sometimes when a loved one passes on, they may have information they want to/need to share with those left behind.
They may wish to grant assistance in finding lost or misplaced objects.
For those who cannot, or don't wish to, SEE ghosts, many people have had good results with "Automatic Writing", also called "The Moving Hand".
One takes in hand a writing instrument, poises the pen over blank paper, asks a question, clears their mind, closes their eyes, and lets their hand do the work.
One doesn't have to believe in ghosts, or see anything spooky, one just needs to be seeking an answer.
Of course, if the (correct) answer shows up in (dead) Mom's distinctive handwriting, it can be very spooky.

Do you smell her lilac cologne on a cool fall day when all the lilacs have stopped blooming? Do you see her in the morning mist, doing those things she used to do to please you, perhaps making you breakfast? Do you feel her presence at momentous events? Does she comfort you when you need her most? Can you sense she is with you?
You should know, she loves you still.
(This also applies to men, and the smell of Dad's aftershave.)

Ghosts, when seen, are often wearing the same clothes worn then last alive.
This means they may be wearing the clothing of the time period in which they lived and died, which may be much different from today’s clothing. Or they may be wearing the same clothes worn the last time you saw him/her.

Photographs have been taken of ghosts, looking like a double exposure with the outlines of trees and buildings fully visible through the body of the apparition. Make a card depicting this, use a real photograph if you have one.

Try to explore other aspects of ghosts rather than just the "standard" Halloween ghost.
Make ATCs that depict ghosts in their many forms and appearances.
Helpful ghosts, Nasty ghosts, guardian ghosts, poltergeists......
If you want to get into the "spirit" of ghosts, here are some interesting movies to watch:
“Ghost” with Patrick Swayze; or the 1937 movie “Topper”, or follow the TV series of the same name; or watch “High Spirits”, "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" or "Blithe Spirit" with Rex Harrison, which has a very surprising ending. Or watch "The Spirit of Christmas", which is one of my favorites!

* This is a 3 for 3 or 6 for 6 card trade. Make 3 or 6 cards and receive the same number back.

* ALL mediums and techniques are welcome. Please make sure you add some depth to your cards, whatever style you choose. Your mediums can include, but are not limited to: paper, tissue paper, crayon, acrylic, watercolor, gel pens, colored pencil, rubber stamping, ink, newspaper clippings, magazine clippings, etc. Please do not take an image, cut it out, glue it to a card, and call it done. Color the background. Add some texture. Add more than one image. Make the ATC YOUR CREATION! I do ask that you send in your best work. Something you would not be disappointed in receiving if it was sent to you.

* Please sign up by posting to this thread. I will acknowledge you and add your user name to the participant list below.
* ONLY ATCs allowed. No APCs accepted.
* All cards need to be sent each in their own plastic sleeve.
* All cards need to be standard ATC size: 2.5” x 3.5”
* All cards need to be sturdy enough to earn the name “card” (no floppy or flimsy paper). If it is created on a single sheet of paper, and "flimsy", please back your ATC with something stiffer, or more firm, such as a cereal box.
* Just as important, check for cards that are too thick. Each card must still be capable of fitting into the standard ATC sleeve. If your ATC will not fit into an ATC sleeve, it is too bulky.
* Please put the Swap name and your Username on the back of all cards. And please write clearly on everything!
.....We can't give you itrades and/or You Rock! points if we don't know who you are.
* Please confirm there is enough postage on both the envelope you send to me, and the envelope I need to send back to you.
* If you are unsure about mailing ATCs, or just may want to pick up some good tips for shipping, here is a great link.

* If you are inside the U.S., please include a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope 4 by 9 1/2 inches, with 55 cents postage, or one "Forever" stamp if trading 3 cards; or one forever and one 15 cent stamp (additional ounce postage) if trading 6 cards, OR if your cards are extra heavy or extra bulky (or 2 forever stamps if that is easier).

* International participants, if you have U.S. funds, or U.S. postage, it is greatly appreciated. However, since many of you do not have access to U.S. stamps, I will cover your postage. Please include a self addressed envelope 4 by 9 1/2 inches (10 x 28 cm), or if you do not have the correct size envelope, please include a large mailing label with your address and I will provide the envelope.

* I apologize for being so demanding about the envelope size, but the postal rates in the US charge extra for thickness. When cards are stacked, or overlapped, in (a smaller) envelope, it almost always costs more to mail. If you send me a small envy, the cards get stacked. When I use the 4 inch by 9 1/2 inch business size envelopes, I can spread the cards over the area, making a THIN package, and only pay for basic (minimum) postage.

* Cards are due IN MY HANDS by October 09, 2020. Please allow sufficient lead time for cards to get to me, particularly if you are an International participant. Returns will be mailed promptly. Late cards will be returned, as it is unfair to those participants who always have their cards in early or on time.

* A hostie card in this theme is appreciated but not at all expected!

* Thank you for considering this swap! If you have my address from previous swaps, it hasn't changed. If you are new, or have misplaced my address, please send me a PM.

Apparently I have used up all my space in this post, so check the following post for the list of participants.
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Current Participants
Ghosts Among Us, Due October 09, 2020

1; Heathermae77 -- Cards Received 8/17
*2. Ancient Planter -- Cards Received 9/09
*3. SpottedCrow -- Cards Received 8/20
*4. LuAnnP -- Cards Received 8/28
*5; Elliejaybird -- Cards Received 9/05
*6. RaineyDay -- Cards Received 8/20
7. JenUrebel -- Cards Received 8/20
*8. TerryHEdwards -- Cards Received 9/18
*9. Boots -- Cards Received 8/13
*10. Vicki Z -- Cards Received 8/13
*11. majanga -- Cards Received 10/03
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It's Saturday and I'm watching all the spooky hauntings and ghost shows on Travel Channel, getting ideas for this swap! :eek: Right now it's "Believers," interviews with people whose experiences turned them into Believers. The first fellow had several actual video clips of his business' yard where wrecked cars were towed. Definitely a ghost there! But she left when her car was taken somewhere else so it's the car that's haunted, not his yard. Now we're on to an abandoned schoolhouse in Missouri that a couple bought to turn into a B&B. They said that when they bought it, it had just "called" to them. I don't think I'd ever buy a place that "calls" to me!
Okay, so NEVER HAVE A SEANCE! That was the message that the retired husband in the haunted Missouri schoolhouse wanted to get out. During the seance his wife became unable to breathe, then she started to cough blood. They stopped the seance. She got sicker and sicker - tuberculosis. This was like 2011 or something, not long ago. Within 6 months she was dead. It ended abruptly with him saying that the seance, and ghost child possession, were what killed his wife, he's sure. Didn't say if they stayed in the schoolhouse after the seance (he'd wanted to leave long before it, but his wife wanted to finish the remodel then sell. Bad idea) or if he left after she died or if he was still in it. It just went from the seance to TB to his strong declaration of NEVER HAVE A SEANCE! That that was the message he was sure his dead wife would want to get out there. We watched a few more episodes before dinner, but at dinnertime the TV has to turn to comedy. I won't watch real-life haunted stuff before bed.
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