Hand drawn / Hand painted Chickens! - June, 15 2012


Probationary User
Dec 14, 2009
Minnesota USA
Feedback: 505 / 3 / 2
Due Date: June 15
Sign-up Date : Anytime as long as cards reach me by the due date.
Number of Cards: 3:3 or 6:6
Number of Participants :Unlimited

I love chickens, and I know there are other people here who do to. This swap is for hand drawn/painted chickens only. For this swap you will create 3 or 6 cards potraying chickens, chicks, or roosters. My only rule is they must be a certain breed. Below is a link to a very nice variety of breeds. On the back of your card please put the name of the breed. Your cards can be whimisical, realistic whatever as long as the chicken is a breed. If you have your own flock and they are mixes please feel free to draw them. This is hand drawn/ painted only.


1. NO bulky items on the cards
2. NO collage elements on the card.
3. Send work you would be pleased to have.
4.All late cards will be returned to you at your expense. Please don't wait till last minute to send cards. As a warning the swap ends on Saturday, Cards are swapped on Sunday, and go out on Monday.
5. Please no photocopies or cards that are the same. make each one unique and different.
6. Have Fun!!

US players please send and envelope with LOOSE postage. DO NOT attach it to the envelope.
Everywhere else Please include $1.00.
From Australia I have received some sort of paper that pays for the postage please do not send those as my post office will not accept them.
Please send 1 US Dollar only. I will accept Paypal. Unless they are new stamps please do not send the 98 cent stamps. That is not enough to cover postage since it has gone up.

Host cards are appreciated and will be loved, but they are not and never are required.

Who wants to play?
0. Me
1. Debs913 Withdrew
2. Kris10satcs Recieved
3. Penlowe
4. Joss Recieved
5. BeyondShay Recieved
6. Meatloaffan1996
7. Josg913 Recieved
8. Jessann Recieved
9. Jsilver Recieved
10. Shewolf36
11. Juzzy71
13. Maineatc Recieved
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I miss my chickens... lurking for now, if I get time after my current commitments I will do some. Actually it looks like a 'no sign up' style, which is even better for me :D
Chickens as in adult hens.
Welcome everyone!! And hope to see you back penlowe!
Debs what breed are you getting? I just picked up 2 EE chicks yesterday and am hoping to get some silver laced wyndottes later this week. And have 3 roosters, 18 hens, and 5 older chicks lol
And sorry about yours kris. We have been having troubles with some foxes.
Let's see Speckled Sussex, Welsummer, Barnvelder, A Polish Crested, Silver laced Wyandotte and Easter Egger and a couple others (a nice assortment!) NO roosters this year *thank goodness* They are pretty, but if you get a mean one ugh!
I has Silver Wyandotes! so personable :) I also had buff Orpingtons (not as fancy but even more personable, had several that sat in my lap) and a couple black silkies, they were so sweet!
We have had 5 roosters, 2 EEs bother were pretty skittish, 2 barred rocks both are fairly friendly and 1 silkie roo not to bad. I have one speckled sussex and I love her. She was the runt of my first batch of chicks, so I held her alot, she grew up to be a real sweetie. She squats whenever I walk up to her lol
I have 2 orp chicks I am leaning towards both being roos though. I do hope I am wrong as I really like the looks of the orps. Please if you have pics post them! I love looking at chickens lol
And welcome Joss! Good to have you!
We just got four buff orphington chicks, and we've had the buffs before, and I love their personalities--very sweet. And, one of the buffs would squat for me to pet her when I would walk by; I thought that was the greatest! We also got four black barred rocks--glad to see that they are pretty friendly. We are waiting to get four Easter eggers--they will be in to the store near us in a week and a half. My seven year old claimed the last Easter egger we had--an Araucana; she was tempermental, and would peck at me, but he could carry her around, and pet her, and pester her, and she just let him--he misses her, but hopefully he'll get another chicken friend with our new dozen chicks.
I've had buffs before and they are very sweet. The rooster was the best we ever had. He used to take the ladies around and scratch up the earth, then step aside so they could eat the bugs he found. What a gentleman! The last roo I had was a Buckeye and he was mean. He was always attacking me, so I took to whacking him with my crutch when he got near. He finally learned to stay away most of the time. I was glad when a predator got him! We also had a Crevacour rooster that was mean...he was a terrible coward though. He'd sneak up behind you and leap and spur you...but you could hear him coming and if you turned around, he'd turn and look around ever so innocent. He used to chase one of my Kelpies around (WhyNot...she's a real twinkie). When my neighbor asked for a chicken for his grandson to use for a science experiment, old Nasty got a quick trip to the classroom ...as a skeleton.

This batch of hens were selected for breeds considered to be very docile. So I'm hoping there will be at least one I can pick up and pet :D
I just got a delaware chick a few weeks ago, I haven't given her that much attention, but she is a sweetie, when sitting outside with her she comes and sits in my lap. The only one who on occasion lets me carry her around is my barred rock hens, my roos don't mind it much either.
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