Holy Cats! another ATC Swap - due date Aug 29

JoyFlower and Jean, welcome to the swap! The two cats on my bed are acting like angels at the moment... for now anyway...

Nowzem, let me know when you are ready to start making Holy Cats.

Nuttynanner, I just couldn't help myself, it was too enticing!
Man I just have to be in this one - my second for Aug :err: so much for not signing up for anymore but I must have some holy cats! <G>

please sign me up. :)
Thanks I can't believe where I found the golden wings..... Reading a mag today and there was a section on giving a trophie for a favourite reader or something...

It was a lady with golden wings and a round golden circle with the mag title.... Perfect!!

you are in, Patti, don't do anything drastic with those kitties, you know they are only teasing you.... (or atleast thats what I think about mine when they are being BAD)
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