House with Text:due June 10th, 2022

Cynthia, I deleted you.
The best part of my hysterectomy that I had last November was 8 weeks of rest. I could do whatever I wanted with my time. Healing time can be enjoyed.
I think my basic problem is that my fingers are 74 years old. they worked better when they were younger.
Dsign49, your houses are great.

Locatray, your cards arrived. Thanks for the extra card and the little bits & pieces.
Leydab, your cards arrived today. thanks for the extra card. It will be hard to choose. and I guess this means you want to sign up.
Mailed out today but I put the wrong return address label in it. I'll mail out the correct one to replace it.
Good mail day. Dsign49, your cards also arrived. Thanks for the host card.
I will be gone from afternoon of the 19th until morning of the 23rd. Airshow is coming and we are going. The planes make the house shake and freaks out the dog.
We have a house guest so I don't have an art room.

I could get it back sunday afternoon but we are packing the car for a trip.
I'm doing a lot of reading as I can't make art right now. I do have some extra time. Guest is husband's brother so he spends more time with guest.
The cards for this swap are all in. I think I will swap them out this afternoon and maybe even get the iTraders out.
Half the cards have gone out and the other half will go out Monday.

Suzi, your name is back.
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