I Love Me Some Leftovers, Due February 1, 2011

finally, i'm feeling much better--i'd say i'm at about 80%. not bad, and i went to the gym and spent 30 minutes on the treadmill, so i think that helped me feel better, too. :cute:
Good to hear you are feeling less-illin'. Sweating out the toxins is great for you. So is getting lots of sleep.
Off to bed with you early tonight!:realmad:
I am on day 3 of the crappy cold. I went to do pilates this morning (for the first time in months). I may be hurting tomorrow, but, I figured that sweating it out was the best plan. We are expecting another 4-8" of snow tomorrow...and then, we will drive 5 hours to Binghamton, NY for my best friend's 50th Birthday Bash. I hope that I can use enough concealer to hide my red nose (I don't usually wear make-up). Glad you are feeling better Amy. I will follow your lead.
big bunches of leftover love in saturday's mail! :jiggy:

i have cards from sharazoid, hgsv1549, nanette, butterflygirl24, miss and theweavershand! sweet!

iTraders have been doled out already, so i should be up-to-date on feedback. let me know if you've not received it AND you know i have your cards. i do miss one every once in a while. :cute:
Hi Amy, I'm getting worried. I sent you my cards 5 January and they are still not arrived. Hope they show up soon!
fabulous! i have cards now from joyflower, katelnorth, melynda, stellacometa, crazycat, dadreemer and the elegant faerie!

Tinka, i'll keep watching . . . sometimes, because I'm West Coast AND rural, they take a while from Europe. i'm not worried yet! :cute:
Amy... two things:
1- did you receive my cards?
2- i am not on the list at the beginning of this thread, but we have been in communication about my cards, etc.

Thanks =)
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