Junker Jane Halloween due October 13th

Well... I'm not sure if I have done these correctly? Can you please take and look and let me know if they are okay? If they are not, it's okay, I can give it another try... just want to be sure before I send them. Thanks.
*phew* I was so worried they were not what you had in mind! Glad they are ok.
I will pop them in the mail tomorrow :)
Lurking at the moment . .. they just have to be junker Jane style, and halloween themed? As in, I don't have to draw a replica of an already made doll? I'm sorry if this is a dumb question.... If I decide I can do this, I want to make sure I can do it right.
Lurking.....I love Junker and Halloween and it's been toooooo long since I painted an ATC!
Beverly, I love your backgrounds they are ingenious! (Love the cards too!). Is it ok if I use the idea for a couple of my cards please?
Here are my first 2- watercolour and ink. I experimented with underpainting the shadows first using neutral tiny.


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Holy cow, RaeK75!....you haven't lost your touch at all!!! Those are terrific!! I LOVE the spooky, blended backgrounds!!!! (and, of course, your awesome characters, too!)
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