Photography: Pink Flowers Swap, Due July 9, 2008

I have decided that I like one picture better than all the others, so I'm going to use just one picture for this trade times 3. Here it is for a preview.

Let's see if this loads..
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Cazfun, I love frangipani, I used to have a tree in my garden when we lived in Durban. Lovely scent too.

I bought 4 small trees about 6 months ago... that pink flower was the only flower that bloomed ... hopefully this year I might get a few more flowers !!

I had a happy and filled mail box yesterday! Received great cards from: kbutts, Pennyquilter, Janjo33, and Ibus! I'll get them scanned tonight so that everyone can see.
Very cool! Always glad when my swaps make it through the mail intact!
There's a new a Swap Gallery here at AFA to post swap pictures, too, but it looks like you can only upload a certain number of photos. But maybe you could do one from each of us to showcase our swap?
I thought I would when everyone's cards are in, I love the swap gallery - it's so cool to see all the cards from swaps I wasn't able to join in on.
I'd love to mail you my atcs. They are packaged up and ready for the post office, but I still don't have a mailing address from you to put on the envelope. Could you please provide one. Did you forget me?
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Click here to see all cards received so far!. Like I said in the swap description, I'll delete this flickr set a week after the swap deadline.

I'll be putting together a sample of everyone's work in the AFA Swap Gallery once all cards are in, so if you have a certain card you want showcased let me know! :)

Also, if you're ready to send your cards and still need my address please let me know. I think I've been having a problem with my pms not reaching their destination so check back if you haven't gotten a reply.
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Got inhabitingtrees's cards in today's mail - beautiful! Bleeding hearts are one of my favorites, I still remember the huge bush my grandmother had in her yard from when I was little.
I passed by the most beautiful bush of pink flowers the other day...but the lighting was wrong...not that I had my camera!! I am going to go back this weekend and see if they are still in bloom.
Bleeding hearts have always been my favourites but unfortunately not always for the right reasons... when I was very little I really enjoyed the popping feeling of squishing them (kinda like bubble wrap) I know I'm wierd........ :wacko: kristinized - do you think you could showcase the bleeding hearts in the swap gallery? Thanks!
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