Seven Deadly Vices, Due May 19

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oh man claire! you know I'm gonna push the heck out of you on this one. Join. . . .Join. . . .Join!
Amyfaerie, I completed four of the seven vices this weekend! I mean the cards of course.
I wish I could! I'm one of those people that is having a hard time uploading images but I have left posts about it with the administrators so I'm certain that whatever can be done about it is being done.

Anyway, please go to the Flickr site listed in my signature and see them there if anyone is interested. So sorry.:sad:
oh well, guess i didn't make it. :(
thanks anyway, unsubscribbing.
Thanks so much Barbcards! I'm almost done with the other three vices and then I shall be completely foul...just kidding...I am of course, still referring to the cards.:laugh:
Okay, I've only got sloth left to do - rage and lust can be seen in the Flickr site in my signature - I received the most simplified instructions from Katxena on how to transfer Flickr images to a thread and still I cannot do it. I'm decidedly a techno-moron.:confused:
i am SO stoked to get them! i know about the thread thing . . . i just keep attaching images or directing people to my flickr account, too. lol!

great, great stuff!
Thanks Amy. I'm going to finish sloth soon - as KatieV pointed out, isn't it ironic that sloth is the last card ...she's funny:laugh: Oh, btw, I've now gotten into the habit of typing "F-l-i-c-k-r" out very slowly and re-reading it several times before I post - when did this paranoia develop? Oh, yeah...someone mentioned it looks like some other word when read quickly.:biglaugh:
grrrdjules, those are so great!

I have to laugh about "the other word" - I can't say it... I just completely cringe when I even hear if I type it you'll know it was a mistake! :laugh:
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