I'm back! We're updated! 😚
THANK YOU to nanner and jez. You are true gems. 💎💎
I want to share something with the group! While I was away, I visited St Thomas Island. My dad did a lot of work on the island in the 80s, and has a room there. My family (hub and I and 2 kids) have traveled there every year for some time now the last week in March. Earlier this year, I read Marriage of Opposites by Alice Hoffman, and little did I know it takes place on St Thomas Island. Come to find out, it's a historical fiction about the impressionist artist Camille Pissaro. All these years I've walked the downtown being able to name all the narrow passages, and finding this shop and that restaurant, but I didn't about about this historic birthplace. I have walked past his family's store and above; his childhood home. This year, I went to visit. There is a sign outside the door naming it a historic location. It was really cool!! I felt like I was looking inside the "set" of the book. I recommend the read, it's a great story of his interesting, difficult life.
I’m not in this swap but I just looked at all the amazing art here and had to say that you all have such great talent! Love love love all the portraits posted here!
I received some cool faces today. Thanks to Evalila, lazyshadows, and Elizabeth Anne, and thanks to locatray for hosting a fun swap.
I received wonderful cards from Lazyshadows, Pochadiva, and Tillygo, will be leaving reps shortly. Thanks to Locatray for a great hosting job!
Thank you locatray for hosting the swap. Returns are here from butterbean (blonde girl,) Jill Norton (glasses girl) and Robin (pink hair girl.) Thanks to all for the art and camaraderie.
I'm very happy to hear that returns are landing, and that we're all enjoying the beautiful faces!
Received wonderful cards from Miss (Erin), Tillygo (Molly) and Ruthe (distinguished old woman). Thanks locatray for hosting. Always love me some new face cards!