ATCS; Open Media LET THE MUSIC PLAY due August 30

daisies, Your cool ATCs came in yesterday, too. Thank you for sending an extra & for all the wonderful goodies!!
I have just enough time to get these into the 5pm mail today. They should arrive on time. Sorry about being delayed...hectic week with the first day of school and filling out a ton of paperwork.

I noticed after making mine that there seems to be a trend of text with the images...sorry, I didn't really do that. I hope that is okay. Mine has more of a classical style, except for the ferrets. :) That was made in honor of Ferretgirl!
Hi Arcana,
Those are BEAUTIMOUS cards, I know ferretgirl will be over the moon with her dance club dude!!! Well everyone, it is my BIRTHDAY!!!! :jiggy::jiggy::jiggy: the very first one that I am celebrating as an official TEXAS PERSON!! And number 55 for me as an official, 55.................sounds like I ought to know a lot of stuff......Hope everyone is having a GREAT weekend and that there are no bug bites or sunburn or other such fun squelchers!!
tootles from the birthday girl......
Della :):):)
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