Colorful Southwest Swap! | Due June 20

Can't wait to see what I get!! You have been a wonderful hostess,EQ, thanks for your hard work!

I have never been 'Awesomesauce on Fantastatoast' before....I kinda like it!!:)
Hallalulah!!!! Thankyou thankyou thankyou. I couldn't believe that my cards for two swaps didn't make it on time since they were all mailed two months ahead of deadline. I'm so happy they showed up.
Awesome swap, everybody! Thanks to EraserQueen for making it happen as well as these terrific artists who created wonderful cards: Nancy, ptrish42, and Tags. Love 'em! :)
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Got colorful cards from ptrish42, tutuglenna, and R.C.Gorman didn't put their username on the card. Thanks to EraserQueen for being a wonderful host!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the wonderful cards that came today! Vibrant and unique "My Horus" from Gee, cool and cute "Red Rock Coyote" from Topdecker and beautiful and peaceful "Cactus Flower" from Patti! YAY Patti, I know you were stressing about your cards, so glad they got there safe and that I got one!
Thanks for a wonderful swap, EraserQueen!!
Got my cards today! Thanks to magi, blackstar, patti, katilady, fireraven & Eileen (no username). Love my cards ladies! Special thanks to EQ for doing a great job w/ such a large swap.
hi guys, what a great swap. my cards were fantastic. thanks to eraser queen for hosting. i received great cards from hokeycokey, nancy & tutuglenna. blessings to all.
My Beautiful cards came today! Thank you Eraserqueen!,terryart,Joni Owens, and Marty Schaeffer! Great Trade!
Got my cards today from Fire Raven, Blackstar, Spiced Coffee and Brightspark. They are all awesome. A huge thank you to Eraser Queen for hosting. itrader and rep left
Received my wonderful colorful southwestern cards today from the artists:
Sunswirlgirl - "Lizard" - colorfully beautiful
trini70 - ""Desert" - cactus and hills - delightful colors
Ethereal_Sheep - Happy coyote singing at the moon - great colors
(only her 2nd swap and 9th ATC made) - lovely
and of course, big thanks to Eraser Queen for conceiving, hosting and delivering such a great swap.
I love my returns!!! We have so many talented artists here!!! Thank EraserQueen - you did a fantastic hosting job! Thank you tsfierart, Hokeycokey, Topdecker, Schaefme, Terryart, and Kstyles for my beautiful cards!
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Very nice cards from : Katilady...The Blazing Sun", Sherry B... #1 of 4, & bluelotusflower... "Cactus Dreams". THANK YOU, ALL!!!

Thanks, EQ, for a wonderful job of hosting!!!
I'm off to post reps & iTrader.
I got my cards in the mail today! I was super excited...I got some fun cards, including one of my own - that was a little :( but I guess I get to keep my own work!

Thanks for the great swap, I enjoy the new cards I got!
Yes, EVERYONE Please remember to put both your real name AND user name on BOTH the envelope AND your cards! Some of you did not! So it makes it harder to ensure people don't get their own cards back, thanks!
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