Fairies, goblins, trolls, mermaids and more!-Due July 25

Who's next? Again, if you love fairies (who doesn't) Trolls, goblins, mermaids??? You can do this swap!! It doesn't have to be like the ones you see on Spiderwick. I wanted those to inspire you.
Ooooh, I just received the Spiderwick´s field guide I ordered a few days ago. It´s definetely worth the money - the illustrations are awesome! I would recommend this for every fantasy fan :jiggy:
bah! Ordering from half.com will cost me a fortune and ordering through Amazon.de (Germany - closer to the netherlands) is refused for unclear reasons... looks like I will have to be satisfied with pics online :mad:
Fairies, goblins, trolls mermaids and More!

I had all day yesterday to sit in my studio and do whatever I wanted....I love those days...so I worked on my ATC's...I could not resist trying my hand at two of the Spiderwick's characters....sorry. The bird is from the land of Fairy's too. She is very tiny but when the sun hits her feathers she is beautiful....The other is a princess and very serious.
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