Beautiful Backgrounds Swap, Due July 21, 2017

I got MAIL... and it's full of most "Beautiful Backgrounds"

our hostess was getting worried because my envelope wasn't showing up... and then she got (return to sender).... and it's my fault because I had sent Vicki the label I put on the back of my cards and not my return address label... I of coarse put the blame to my silly side-kick... the DUCK ... but NOW, I have my backgrounds and each and ever one is a real keeper... not sure I even want to use these... just too pretty to go gluing other stuff on them...
Glad you got the re-mail on the returns.
I should have caught that the label was incomplete, but I did not, so I get at least half the blame for the cards coming back to me. :0(

poor ducky.
he gets blamed for everything, but he has to share the blame with me on this one.
There are still a few stragglers, but I have contacted everyone with no response, so I am closing down this thread.
Thanks again for participating.
The cards sent in were AWESOME.
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